Rick Dobson, the
ProgrammingMSAccess.com's webmaster, offers a
welcome to
Access, VBA, SQL Server, and Visual Basic .NET developers. If you
are a new site visitor or you haven't visited recently, we invite you to
take a look.
In early September, 2006, the webmaster delivered an MSDN webcast on
preparing for the 70-431 exam for SQL Server 2005. Those who pass
this exam earn a Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist (MCTS)
credential. The Microsoft site includes
a page
summarizing the exam. You can find a link for viewing my
webcast presentation's slide deck in Articles,
tutorials, & more.
The T-SQL code samples for the presentation are available along with
a large selection of other code samples from this site. Enjoy!
Recent Good News:
We are proud to announce the publication of the webmaster's seventh
book on Microsoft database development. The new book's title is "Beginning
SQL Server 2005 Express Database Applications with Visual Basic Express
and Visual Web Developer Express". This site features a
FAQ with in-depth coverage of the book and its technologies as a well
as a detailed table of contents.
The site also features other valuable links for
the book. After learning about the book from this site, we invite you to
purchase it from Amazon.com. BTW, this book achieve best-seller
status in the SQL Server Express category at Amazon.com.

Please take a moment to look over our seminar on SQL Server Express,
Visual Basic Express, and Visual Web Developer Express. Microsoft
wants you to use these products so much that they are literally giving
them away. Our seminar
ramps you up the learning curve so that you can derive the maximum benefit from
these new database development tools from Microsoft. Although
the three presentations of our 21-hour seminar are completed for
March-April, we may offer more seminar presentations early in 2007 along
with a second seminar to help you pass the Microsoft 70-431
certification examination. Click the
image below to learn more about our seminar. Feel free to leave a
comment in our Guest Book letting us know when
you want the seminar offered again.

Tired of getting more spam
than legitimate email in your Outlook Inbox? We invite you to take a
look at SPAM Blocker, which
is this site's VBA-based approach to filtering spam. We just
updated its filters. SPAM Blocker was never better than it is
right now at blocking spam!

Wondering if the DDG is for you? Well, membership has its
privileges. Especially popular ones include the
opportunity to get published as a
product, book, or DVD reviewer, the chance to get featured in our
quarterly profiles of members, and a 10% rebate on registration
fees for major seminar tours. Take a moment to look over
from previously profiled members. You might find out that these
are folks just like you! If they joined, maybe you should too.
Click here to join now.

Are you looking for motivated database development professionals?
Our current roster of Database Developers Group (DDG) members stretches from coast to coast and
overseas as well! DDG members have full and part-time consulting practices
with the resources and experiences to solve your problems at the price
you can afford. Click our
Technical Support link to learn more about how you can get help from
our DDG members.

If you are looking for a quality
book on developing solutions with Access 2003, "Programming
Microsoft Office Access 2003" may be the one for you. It is the
third edition of Rick Dobson's Programming Microsoft Access book series.
In the webmaster's most recent book on Access programming, you will find plenty of ADO samples, along with expanded coverage of many topics,
including Access/Excel interoperability, Access/Outlook interoperability,
and user-level security. In response to popular demand, I revised
and enlarged the coverage of Access/SQL Server interoperability. In
addition, there is a whole chapter on XML and special need-to-know content
on new security features introduced with Access 2003.

We added links to
articles by the webmaster at Microsoft's MSDN site that cover
a variety of topics, including SQL Server Express, Access programming,
SQL Server security, VBA & and Visual Basic .NET.
More Good News:
If you are a new visitor,
we invite you to take a look at
prior newsletter messages
to registered site visitors. These messages convey special content
and opportunities available from the site. You can become a
registered site visitor as easily as signing our
Guest Book.

Check out our slide deck on developing Access forms and reports.
The presentation targets intermediate level Access developers. The
content includes coverage of how to dynamically format forms and reports,
how to programmatically assign Recordset and RecordSource property values
at run time, and how to work with main/sub forms and subdatasheets.
The slide deck also mentions advanced techniques for referencing a sub
form from a main form. See our
Presentation area for a link to the slide deck.

Microsoft selected the ProgrammingMSAccess.com Webmaster, Rick Dobson,
as an Access hero to help celebrate the tenth anniversary for Access.
to read Rick's Access hero story. Rick is the author of four books
that include Access in the title. He is also an MCP in
Visual Basic .NET.

Check out our Product Reviews section.
Each quarter we add a new product reviews, which can target software
products or books.
Reviews are contributed by members of the
Database Developers Group

About the books
and DVDs:
Rick Dobson is the author of six books and one DVD on Access, SQL Server, and Visual Basic .NET development.
These books offer thorough coverage of programming topics for Access and
SQL Server development with VBA and Visual Basic .NET. Here
are brief summaries of selected books with links for learning more.
Also, use the links from the covers to the right.
Programming Microsoft Office Access 2003
targets Access developers who want to get the most out of Access 2003
(and earlier versions of Access too). This book adds new content
that is unique to Access 2003. In addition, the book enriches and refocuses
content from earlier versions to help practicing Access developers solve
everyday problems. This book includes hundreds of code samples with text that walks
you through the solutions.
Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
for Microsoft Access Databases presents Visual Basic .NET
development techniques for Access databases. If you currently use
Access databases and you want to ramp up to speed on the .NET Framework,
this is for you.
Programming Microsoft SQL
Server 2000 with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET introduces VB
developers to both SQL Server and Visual Basic .NET. Its ADO.NET
coverage is much more SQL Server centric than general .NET books.
In addition, the book includes three chapters XML processing techniques
for SQL Server and Visual Basic .NET. The book's final chapter
drills down on XML Web Services, including the SQL Server 2000 Web
Services Toolkit.
Programming Microsoft Access
Version 2002 carefully
examines the latest features in Access 2002 as it provides special
coverage of interoperability features between Access 2002 and SQL Server
2000. Excerpts from
the Programming Microsoft Access Version 2002
book give you a chance to try before you buy. Most of the samples in this material work with earlier versions of
Access as well.
Professional SQL Server
Development with Access 2000 drills down on techniques for creating
SQL Server solutions with Access. While the book especially
targets Access 2000 developers using SQL Server 7, there is plenty of
valuable content for developers using either Access 2002 or SQL Server
Programming Microsoft
Access 2000 targets beginning and intermediate developers
seeking to learn ADO and get a good grasp of the feature set offered by
Access 2000. This book is out of print at Amazon.com,
bn.com, and other online book sellers. We recommend
Programming Microsoft Access Version
2002 or Programming
Microsoft Office Access 2003 as excellent replacements for this